
Directed donations and sponsorships:

Please read our sponsorship booklet to find out how you can support exhibitions, publications, or programs, for logo and credit opportunities on our print, social media, and website platforms. Tax receipts for directed donations are provided at the end of the year. Please contact [email protected] to make a directed donation. 

Donate to our endowment:

You can easily make a donation online or by mail to the West Vancouver Art Museum endowment through the West Vancouver Foundation or call 604-925-8153 to discuss other payment options.

The West Vancouver Art Museum has both a Permanent Endowment Fund and a Capital Unrestricted Fund. The capital of an Endowment Fund remains untouched forever, and the income from the fund is used for ongoing programs and services. Capital Unrestricted Funds may be used for any purpose at any time.

Donate online by credit card to the West Vancouver Art Museum endowment through the West Vancouver Foundation and receive a tax receipt automatically:

Permanent Endowment Fund

Capital Unrestricted Fund

Please address cheques to:
West Vancouver Foundation
775 15th Street
West Vancouver BC V7T 2S9


More ways to give

The West Vancouver Foundation accepts gifts by will/bequest, publicly traded securities, RRSps, RRIFs, and TFSAs, life insurance policies, and charitable remainder trusts. More information. 



West Vancouver Foundation