
COVID-19 precautions
Wearing masks in public indoor spaces is no longer required. Anyone who wishes to continue wearing a mask may choose to do so and that choice will be respected.
If you would like to arrange a private visit outside of public hours, please send us an email and we will try to accommodate your request.
Admission is by donation.
The art museum galleries and shop are wheelchair accessible. There is a wheelchair accessible entrance from Esquimalt Avenue.
The programming room on the third floor is accessed by staircase only.
Photography is permitted unless otherwise indicated.
Getting Here
The art museum is located 1.5 blocks north of Marine Drive at the corner of 17th Street and Esquimalt Avenue.
From Vancouver, take 250 Horseshoe Bay or 250A Dundarave from Granville and Georgia, stopping at Marine Drive and 17th Street, or from Park Royal take the 251 Queens, stopping at 17th Street and Esquimalt Avenue.
There is limited free parking with no time limit for art museum visitors on the south side of the building, marked "West Vancouver Art Museum Visitor Parking Only".
Two-hour free parking is available on adjacent streets.
Image: Cornelia Hahn Oberlander: Genius Loci. Photo: Blaine Campbell, 2021.