The gallery is currently closed for installation. We will reopen for regular hours on Wednesday, March 19.

SD 45 ONE.five

In SD 45 ONE.five, Local residents investigate their perceptions of West Vancouver’s social, cultural, economic, and topographical settings. Their personal inquiries of this distinct community are documented in a collaborative mural.

Students, educators, artists, and a politician and an architect were invited to document their communities using a camera. Their work is being shown in the West Vancouver Museum for visitors to discover both the links between these groups and what defines them as distinct populations.

Artists featured in this exhibition include Jody Broomfield, Cedric Burgers, Craig Cameron, Chris Kennedy, Ross Penhall, Victor John Penner, Steve Rauh, and West Vancouver School District students.

SD 45 ONE.five is guest-curated for the Capture Photography Festival by Jackie Wong, West Vancouver Secondary School teacher, in collaboration with the Museum's Education Coordinator Isaac Vanderhorst.